Is Women Objectification a Mere Result of Pornography?

UNICEF statistics show that somewhere in the world, every 10 minutes, a girl belonging to an adolescence age, dies due to violence. Out of every one in 5 girls die due to sexual violence. And this is data of just girls, talk about women! Violence on women and girls is not merely a result of ego clashes of the opposite gender, but more importantly women objectification.

To objectify is to solely treat a person as a commodity or an object. Sexual objectification is treating women solely for sexual pleasures as if their mere existence is for the same.

So the question arises, how are women exposed to violence? It’s all over the media- We repeatedly find that the bodies of women and girls are hypersexualized, and in turn gives rise to gender stereotypes making women more vulnerable to violence. A study conducted at Wesleyan University by print media on across 58 different magazines found that 51.8 percent advertisements featuring women displayed them as a sex objects while advertisements in men’s magazines women were objectified 76 percent of the time.

Sexual Objectification and hypersexualization of models on media affects women physically, emotionally and triggers their mental health more negatively across the globe. The consequences of this lead to anxiety of appearance, feelings of shame, eating disorders, depression and lower self-esteem.

Pornography has a considerable contribution to women objectification other than media. From a very small age little boys and girls can access pornography and tend to normalize it with their routine. Studies have found that when men see body shots of women in comparison to face shots they judge the women to be less ambitious, likable, intelligent and competent.

Pornography is perceived to be cool and shows that for a man or a boy to be dominant, to pull her hair, to call her by bad names or to ejaculate all over her face and showing that women actually enjoy all that is the message given by pornography. Porn trains viewers to develop a sexuality which makes men being dominant and women subordination more pleasure-some and that the abuse, pain and degradation of women is actually depicted ‘SEXY’. Porn viewers hence learn to get aroused by subjugation of women. They think this is normal and a part of society. Little do they know, this is not about sexual liberation, porn is not liberating.

As a result of this boys at a young age perceive this as a natural order – that by inflicting dominance and sexual abuse women are sexually turned on and that men’s biological inclination is towards dominance and that’s what make them sexually aroused. And this behavior is then reflected in their real life. Women are considered as an object that satisfies the sexual needs of men, as if they can’t think, they can’t feel, they just have one job- to fulfill the desire of men.

Not only this, pornography, objectification of women in movies has lead to rise in rape culture language fed by toxic masculinity which is now used as any other language.

Patrolling their sexuality. When you tell a woman to not wear short or rather ‘revealing’ dresses as it may look like an invitation, you are telling her that what happens to her body is in the other person’s hand, if you ever did this you too are a victim of objectification.

The Trivialization Of Sexual Misconduct. “I was in a crowd and a man tried to take advantage of me, but I didn’t say anything because I did not wanted to create a scene in public”

This is not the end, psychologists studied the patterns of thought processes of serial killers, rapists and kidnappers of young women and found that major part of their brain had pornography in their mind while brutalizing women.

Theodore Robert Bundy an American serial killer who confessed of his crimes before his execution also mentioned the dangers of pornography. He confessed 30 homicides, he kidnapped, raped brutalized and murdered young women from seven states of US. The impact of porn addiction in his life and how it planted the ideas of wrong doing in his mind is well documented in Netflix short series- ‘Conversations with a killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes’. He was a perfect example of how vengeful men can get when rejected by a women which is exactly opposite as to what has been taught by porn. These all things lead to crime against women.

If you think education can help, Theodore Robert Bundy was a law student!

Best Gardening Hacks and Images Summed Up

Whether you are a hardcore gardener or a home decorator or a hobby seeker, gardening is the best way to get engaged in a fun yet fulfilling activity!

Now before I convince you to inculcate gardening as a hobby, show you creative gardening ideas, I need to make sure that you know what are the benefits of gardening. Gardening is not restricted to only growing plants and watering them them everyday. Plants are living beings too, they too feel emotions. They are also affected by the environment they are into and they in turn also affect the surroundings around us in a positive way most of the time.

I remember when my professor at the college was talking about his farm house he owns. He said he along with his family regularly visited the farmhouse on weekends and surprisingly enough the quality of fruits and vegetables got better when they started playing some classical music around them. What does this mean? Plants too feel things and beautiful classical music made the plants healthy. He along with his family witnessed tastier fruits and healthy vegetables. Now they have made it a habit to play music and listen it along with their plants in the farmhouse in open air and beautiful weather.

Plants are rich sources of oxygen and helps freshen air around which makes them the must have in every house. Now, when I talk about plants the first question that may come to your mind must be space, right? The next thing would be time required for the maintenance and all. But trust me these are the least concerns with the creative ideas I’ve compiled from various sources.

Look how creatively you can use your old shoes! You can put use to a lot of things that you put in to garbage to make your home look livelier and decorative.

Take this idea for instance, use your bottles to perfectly decorate your yard or even your balcony. These bottles can be your perfect weekend plan. Dedicate all your weekend for the bottles and plant seeds and get a beautiful.

Or how about this idea? Dedicate a wall of your house for just Plants? They look beautiful in your house and circulate fresh air all day spreading positive vibes.

How about this? Small plants ideas for small houses. You can place them on your dining tables, side tables, or even in your kitchen tables.

Alternative uses of bookshelves 🙂

Hope these ideas were helpful:) 🙂